hip hip hooray! here's the postcard for today!
(yes that DOES rhyme!)
cute little stamps from Rubber Soul and the rectangle stamp in the background is from StampinUp!.
Yes its a hip hip hooray week. My son will be coming home for the holiday - probably tomorrow nite (we had discussed the virtues of coming home early and the perils of waiting til later on Wednesday morning - traffic around this area is pretty hideous....)
The daughter gets out early on Wednesday from school (why they bother to haul them all in to school when the dismissal is at 10:50 i wonder....). And we all get a nice 4 day holiday.
Course to get to the good part (the pie...c'mon) we've got a few days of a lot of nonsense to get through. Early mornings, doctors appointments and such. I've already done the grocery shopping - I will do most anything to avoid the grocery store this week. Got the turkey, all the dressing shtuff, bought the pumpkin pie yesterday and ingredients to make an apple one.
I was just thinking about the food and I think I make pretty much the same thing every year. Despite all the food shows I enjoy watching, I don't vary the menu. It seems almost sacriligeous to do so. So I'm curious: What do you make for Thanksgiving and do you make the same thing every year or do you add something different?
Here's what we have: Start off with fresh fruit salad, turkey with giblet gravy, mashed potatoes, white onions in cream sauce, broccoli casserole (think of that famous green bean one - now take out the green beans, add broccoli and cheese...), and last but not least - pie (pumpkin and apple). We always have apple - and most often the dutch apple pie (crumbs on top) - but one year I made a homemade apple and it was the best - so I'm going for that this year. I'll be sure to take pics (you knew I would didn't you?) Omigosh - i forgot! The whipped cream for the pie. Homemade - nothing else will do on Thanksgiving.
Damn - i just realized I will be heading back to the evil grocery store - i forgot the cheese and the whipping cream. ugh.......
I spent a half an hour thinking abou giblets this morning thanks to YOU!
ps: cute card!
How totally adorable!! We just got an AC Moore and I checked it out tonight to find all sorts of cute Rubber Soul stamps. Even bought a few of the sayings. Your Thanksgiving sounds totally yummy. I did my shopping tonight and will pick up the turkey from my friend on Wednesday. This jury duty is really interfering with my time!
Oh, such a cute card to celebrate family coming home. I have a feeling you'll be very very grateful to be surrounded by family this year. It sounds like you'll have a grand feast!
Commiserations on the grocery store :) I love to make home made cranberry sauce with fresh crans, orange, dried apricots, double ginger (fresh grated and sugared), and port (some for the pot, some for me :) - mmmm.
We NEVER vary the menu. That would be sinful. For the last 5 years or so we've been doing it at Susan's. For years after mother died I cooked her exact Thanksgiving dinner. The one we grew up with. That lasted for 12 years til Dad married the evil one. Now, we all go to Susan's and I make the pies. I don't see Dad on Thanksgiving. I'm famous for my pies. Sadly, this year, it's impossible for me to spend time making pies. You know what's going on with me. Breaks my heart, but I'm sure it will only be a one time thing. So, for the first time in my life, I bought pies from the store.
Oh yeah.....we never do anything but homemade whipped cream. For any occasion. My kids don't even know what Cool Whip tastes like. I'm the master of stiff, perfect whipped cream! Love it.
Oh yeah....love that flying hippo!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving feast, dear! That hippo postcard totally cracks me up. (waiting for a peek at your Christmas card, by the way ;)
yummmy- sounds like a tasty menu- hope you had fun!
Your postcards are cute!
should that not be "HIPPO HIPPO hooray"??! :) (i'm LOVING those critter stamps!!!)
even in the years we go away, LHJ likes to cook the big thanksgiving "feast" type meal when we get back...he LIKES all the rigamarole(??!)...hey, i just shut up & eat! :)
we have special faves (like that broccoli casserole!) which rotate in every few years and some things we try new each time. basically, if cooking light--or one of the food shows--has something FAB we try that...and if not, we have the "old standbys". but i know my mom & aunt & s-i-l, on their turns, make EXACTLY the same thing every time...and it's always great. so i think either way works! :)
Our menu does not vary one inch. I've tried to sneak some new stuff into the mix but it sits all alone on the table being taunted by the "popular" ones. I have insisted that the family convert to fresh whipped cream. I never knew the taste of fresh whipped cream until I was an adult--sad. My grandmother always made, and still does, broccoli rice casserole. It's good. She'll be 92 her birthday and still whipping up the casserole in the same dish she's used for 37 years. Go Pyrex!
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