i've been working on this one for a few days off and on. (more off than on) I really should try to start drawings when there are no other distractions - like that's ever gonna happen! - nevertheless.
i decided to try this one - draw an animal - because i cannot draw cats to save my life. i have my two cats - frankie and holly - around me every day and you'd think i'd be able to draw them.
i did manage a very fast sketch of holly last week that i wasnt entirely unhappy with - fast meaning 2 minutes maybe

i like to blame my problem drawing Holly on Holly - its as if she knows i'm trying to draw her and she moves. constantly. (i have little flashbacks to one of my drawing classes in school and the model would move maybe every 10 minutes or so. I know i can do fast drawings but its definitely something you must practice and i'm sorely out of practice.)
So I thought i'm going to look around online and find a photo to draw from. something that doesn't move. See if i can actually draw a cat.
The result is above. I probably could continue fooling with the drawing some more - but i need to move on.
Other things going on here - been working on my wedding scrapbook (talk about flashbacks - almost 23 years ago - i wish i could remember all the details but then again that day - it was like being in a fog - so much swirling around me. It's definitely a good reason to scrapbook stuff as it happens if at all possible. or at least jot notes down in a diary/journal/whatever - cos' you're just not gonna remember it all!)
My sister from Arizona is visiting with my 2 sweet nephews. it's so good to have her here.
ok I'm off. hopefully i'll post again soon.
I don't know how you do this but it's so cool---all this drawing and sketching. Wow.
Tracy, such a cool drawing. I swear it's amazing! I'm so jealous!!
Using the picture obviously worked! Great drawing :)
Glad you are having fun with your ister & nephews. TTFN
Please, please never say you can't draw you make those of us who actually can't draw look really, really bad. Quick, fast, slow, all of your work is incredible and looks amazing. I would for sure pin the whole, "can't draw Holly" on Holly it must be her.
you make beautiful things!
Oh, this is gorgeous Tracy! I too have a problem drawing my cat. I can do quick sketches of her sleping; curled up in a ball. But I've never really captured her face - you've done it brilliantly here. I'm inspired to give it another go!
..i agree with will...clearly you CAN draw *cooperative* cats!!! (tell holly she's fired-lol!) :)
You can't draw a cat.....ROTFLOLPIMP!!! WhatEVER. Trust me....you CAN draw a cat! After I finish catching up here, I'm heading over to see the wedding layouts. Can't wait. Luke is gone for the night so I have the computer all to myself. He's been playing one of his stupid games constantly lately. I'm so sick of it.
Your drawings are AMAZING!!! What do you mean, you can't draw?! If you can't draw, then they might as well just not even give me a pencil!!! LOVIN all your amazing creations!!!
Ohhh, nice cats! They are indeed difficult to draw but you did a beautiful job with these!
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