When i'm feeling not the greatest, my usual modus operandi is to hide out. i don't like to inflict my moody behavior on people if at all possible. I've been sorta up and down the last few weeks. On one hand i'm enjoying some of the benefits of not working - on the other hand I'm feeling a little without direction. Not sure what i should be doing - what i want to do. That kind of thing. Its hard to go from being crazy busy to having time on your hands - and knowing you need to make a decision and get on with life. Anyhow... a few weeks ago i made a date to meet up with some friends. Last nite i was thinking - what was i thinking when i made that date. I wanted to see them but i didn't want to talk about whats going on with me. My mother has throughout my life always said - just go - you'll have a nice time. Of course she is always right in this regard. So i said to myself, go - you'll have a nice time. And of course this time, I was right. These are good friends. Friends who didn't grill me about what was i going to do now or what have i been doing. They just wanted to see me. Talk about nothing important. It was the nicest 2-1/2 hours i've spent in a while. And the coffee was pretty good. We made plans to do something next week and the week after. Which is good.
Yesterday when i was having a moment (or two) i hauled out my sketchbook which i've been lax about keeping lately and starting playing with some things. i had seen a challenge on Michelle Ward's website - http://michelleward.typepad.com/how_cool_is_that/
Crusade#5 and thought i'd work out some of what has been going on in my head and do that challenge. some stamps and some pearl ex and some tissue and some watercolor crayons. it felt good. not sure about the results but it was good to do.
Yesterday when i was having a moment (or two) i hauled out my sketchbook which i've been lax about keeping lately and starting playing with some things. i had seen a challenge on Michelle Ward's website - http://michelleward.typepad.com/how_cool_is_that/
Crusade#5 and thought i'd work out some of what has been going on in my head and do that challenge. some stamps and some pearl ex and some tissue and some watercolor crayons. it felt good. not sure about the results but it was good to do.

I'd like to pick Door Number 2 please ... :)
Who can resist the mystery of a door???
I like the slightly aged feel to this. I also like the way you've used stamps...
love this piece! the doors, the ticket, the stamping, your handwriting...excellent crusade entry!
Yes, I love this piece. It's so free which is what's great about art journaling. Pieces like this end up speaking volumes. Look at all those doors just waiting to be opened :).
Really like your journal page. Love the colors! And the antique feel to it. Great job :0)
LOVELY!!! I bet this looks AMAZING IRL!! I can just imaging the gorgeous shimmer of the pearl ex. I keep thinking about this challenge, and would like to do it at some point.
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